December 18, 2012 2.12 pm This story is over 140 months old

Residents can appeal Lincoln Christmas Market parking tickets

Plenty of fines: Residents living in the Lincoln Christmas Market area can appeal to parking tickets they received during the event.

Lincoln residents living in the Christmas Market area who received parking tickets during the event can appeal to them.

As previously reported, Lincolnshire County Council’s Parking Enforcement Officers handed out 389 tickets over the Lincoln Christmas Market period on the city.

However, many with residents’ permits received one of the yellow ticket fines.

After a consultation with the County Council and City Council, it was decided that all tickets given to residents living in the areas with traffic restrictions and holding a permit will be looked at again.

John Latham, Director of Development and Environmental Services at City of Lincoln Council, said: “We would like to apologise to those people who were given tickets over this period, when they perhaps should not have done.

“We are looking into why some residents with market access passes or resident’s passes were given parking tickets, but I would urge anyone who thinks they were wrongly given a ticket to appeal and stop the clock on the ticket.

“This is a matter we are taking very seriously as we do not want people having to pay for fines when they were parking legally.”

To appeal a parking ticket given between December 6 and 9, go to the County Council’s parking page and click “challenge a PCN”.

Alternatively, write to Lincolnshire Parking, Central Processing Unit, PO Box 10282, Nottingham, NG17 0DX.