October 28, 2019 3.13 pm This story is over 58 months old

Shoplifter smashed bottle over Spalding security guard’s head

The security guard’s head was bleeding heavily

A shoplifter smashed a bottle over the head of a security guard who attempted to stop him fleeing from a supermarket, Lincoln Crown Court was told on Monday.

Adam Isham ran towards the exit of the Sainsbury’s store in Spalding when the security officer Lee Titmus intervened.

Isham then struck him with such force that Mr Titmus knocked to the ground.

Isham then ran from the store leaving his victim with blood pouring from wounds to his head.

Phil Howes, prosecuting, said that Isham attracted the attention of store staff when he was seen fidgeting in an aisle.

“He was spotted trying to hide a bottle in the sleeve of his hoodie.

“He realised he had been seen so walked quickly towards the exit. When he realised a member of staff was running after him he ran.

“At the exit the security guard stuck out an arm to try and stop him. The defendant struck him with a bottle.

“The security officer fell to the floor and was bleeding heavily.”

Mr Howes said Isham made off and police were called. Officers took Mr Titmus to hospital in Boston where he was found to have two deep wounds to his head which needed stitches.

Isham was arrested within half an hour of the incident but had already sold on the three bottles of alcohol he had stolen.

The court was told that he had 54 previous convictions for a total of 130 offences, of which 48 were thefts.

Isham, 33, who at the time was living in a tent on Holbeach Road, Spalding, admitted charges of unlawful wounding and theft of three bottles of alcohol as a result of the incident on the afternoon of September 24 this year. He was jailed for 21 months.

Neil Sands, in mitigation, said that Isham regretted what happened.

He said his client was homeless and went shoplifting in the hope of getting arrested and being sent to prison but had not set out to injure anyone.

Mr Sands said “He last had accommodation three years ago. He stole these bottles to sell and get some money for food.”