December 9, 2019 1.24 pm This story is over 56 months old

£3.5m plan to improve waterside in Grimsby set for approval

It will create an “attractive waterside development”

A plan to help create an “attractive waterside development” as part of plans to regenerate Grimsby Town centre looks set to be given the final sign off next week.

Senior councillors on North East Lincolnshire Council look set to back proposals to improve the public realm at Garth Lane and Frederick Ward Way at a meeting on December 16.

The final designs include a new bridge over the River Freshney, improvements to the street scene and highway, as well as better access to the waterfront through steps.

Further plans will see new street furniture, lighting and an improved promenade along the waterfront towards Corporation Bridge.

The council hopes the plan will help to create an “attractive waterside development” and improve the town’s “quality of place”.

Designs as outlined by North East Lincolnshire Council for Garth Lane and Frederick Ward Way in Grimsby.

Meanwhile, the scheme is estimated to cost around £3.5 million with the authority funding £225,000 from its capital programme.

The remainder of the cost is expected to be paid through external funding, such as the local enterprise partnership and town deal funds.

The plan comes as part of proposals to regenerate Grimsby Town centre.

Last month, authority officials gave final backing for £1.5 million plans to improve St James Square in the town.

Further plans revealed in July will see the West Haven Maltings buildings on Garth Lane converted into a new Youth Zone.

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