November 27, 2020 4.08 pm This story is over 45 months old

Plans unveiled for 3,500-home Lincoln South East Quadrant development

Along the new Lincoln Eastern Bypass

Climate change, walking/cycling, public transport and biodiversity will play key parts in a new 3,500-home estate near Lincoln if new rules and design guides are approved next week.

The South East Quadrant is a development planned for land between Canwick and Bracebridge Heath around the Lincoln Eastern Bypass.

It would include new schools, a new district centre, a local centre and seven hectares of commercial land.

It’s expected to take up to 2036 to complete and is part of a much larger plan for 6,000 homes in the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan — though there is no deadline for this higher number.

North Kesteven District Council’s executive members will examine feedback to the Lincoln South East Quadrant Concept Plan and Design Codes on Thursday.

The document before councillors next week aims to “ensure the new development exhibits a coherent character of high quality” to “form a sustainable new neighbourhood”.

The phasing plan for the South East Quadrant of Lincoln.

The document says there is now much more focus on climate change, including reducing the carbon footprint of new homes, locating them as close as possible to workplaces, encouraging walking, cycling and public transport, and biodiversity.

Illustrative image of how the SEQ could look.

Consultation earlier in the year received 30 responses alongside statutory consult comments. They included a desire for more emphasis on public transport, support for green developments, and concerns over the capacity of local infrastructure such as schools, doctors and hospitals.

Officers said the comments had been “carefully assessed” and some design codes had been adapted in response.