December 16, 2020 1.25 pm This story is over 44 months old

Tiers delayed but Christmas break stays

Tiers announcement now expected Thursday

A planned relaxation of rules around Christmas will go ahead despite growing pressure to scrap the measures — but an announcement on tiers has been delayed until Thursday.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson confirmed to the House of Commons on Wednesday afternoon that all the UK nations had reached “unanimous agreement” over the measures, but said they should exercise personal responsibility over the festive period.

Greater Lincolnshire was due to find out whether it will stay in the highest tier of restrictions on Wednesday, however, several news outlets including the Telegraph, iNews and BBC journalists are reporting an announcement will not be made until tomorrow.

During Prime Ministers Questions today, Mr Johnson said: “We should exercise extreme caution in the way we celebrate Christmas — we can celebrate it sensibly, but we have to be extremely cautious in the way we behave.”

“We don’t want to criminalise people’s long-made plans, but we do think it’s absolutely vital that people should at this very, very tricky time exercise a high degree of personal responsibility, especially when they come into elderly people, and avoid contact with elderly people wherever possible.”

The rules, which begin on December 23 will allow up to three households to form Christmas Bubbles until December 27.

Welsh and Scottish leaders have urged people to be careful.

Wales has also confirmed it will tighten restrictions further, with services beginning to close on Christmas Eve and only two households all be allowed to form the bubbles.

Medical bosses have argued the move could lead to a third wave and had called for a rethink.

Government bosses are set to review the country’s tiering system Wednesday.

Lincolnshire, North and North East Lincolnshire are all currently in the toughest restrictions and are expected to stay in the same tier 3.

The Telegraph, however, says any decisions will not be announced until Thursday when the health secretary makes a speech to the House of Commons.

iNews has also said similar as has BBC journalist Ollie Bayliss.