December 17, 2020 4.20 pm This story is over 44 months old

Lincolnite festive taste test: Subway’s Tiger Pig

Another festive pig in blanket

The Lincolnite is on a roll with its festive taste test, so we tried out Subway’s new footlong Tiger Pig.

The festive sandwich contains a big pork sausage wrapped in streaky bacon, topped with “trimmings you desire” and served in the recent menu addition of Tiger bread. It is recommended to have it with salad and Chipotle sauce.

The Tiger Pig can be purchased as a six inch sub for £4.29, a footlong for £6.49 or even as a wrap, salad, or in a pot.

The standard six inch sub contains 423 calories with a serving size of 240g.

Subway’s Tiger Pig contains a giant pork sausage wrapped in streaky bacon, topped with “trimmings you desire” and served in Tiger bread. | Photo: Ellis Karran for The Lincolnite

The Lincolnite team were impressed by the festive taste, but it clearly didn’t look as visually appealing as the version from the posters.

One colleague scored it 9/10 and said there was “definitely a slight hint of Christmas flavourings,” with the “sausage and bacon well cooked and mixed in”.

However, he felt that the sauce was a bit spicy and the sub could possible have done with a gravy/mint element.

Lunch is served. | Photo: Ellis Karran for The Lincolnite

The promo for the Tiger Pig Sub in the shop window. | Photo: The Lincolnite

It is recommended to have it with salad and Chipotle sauce. | Photo: Ellis Karran for The Lincolnite

Another colleague said it was “one of the more festive tasting things” he’d had from all the Christmas ranges at food outlets, with “lots of powerful flavours,” earning it 8/10.

But another gave it a score of 6/10 overall, but with “top marks for Subway’s own range”.

A look inside the Subway sandwich. | Photo: Ellis Karran for The Lincolnite

Pigs in blankets has been the talk of the week after The Lincolnite also tried a two foot battered ‘hog in a duvet’ dubbed the largest in the world from a popular fish and chip shop in Cleethorpes.