March 5, 2021 1.23 pm This story is over 41 months old

Palm oil washes up on Cleethorpes beach

It can be fatally toxic to dogs

Palm oil which can be fatally toxic to dogs was found on Cleethorpes beach behind Thorpe Park on Thursday.

At least three large lumps of the substance washed up on the beach.

Cleethorpes Beach safety team said on Friday, March 5 that it has since had reports of possible palm oil in different spots along the whole beach.

Palm oil can be fatally toxic to dogs. | Photo: Cleethorpes Beach Safety

The team will be out checking on Friday and removing any that it finds, so people are being advise to be extra cautious.

In a video about the discovery resort manager Scott Snowden said the palm oil can be hazardous to dogs if ingested, so they need to be kept on leads.

He added that anyone finding any palm oil must not touch it and needs to ring the resort office on 01472 323356 or contact the Facebook page.

HM Coastguard Donna Nook Rescue Team added: “It’s not unusual for anything washed up on the beach at Cleethorpes to be present further down the coast too. Please report any sightings to the coastguard.”

A spokesperson for North East Lincolnshire Council said: “We’d ask dog owners to be vigilant and keep their pets on leads while walking along Cleethorpes beach after palm oil has washed up on the sand. While not dangerous to humans, it can be toxic to dogs.

“Palm oil can become contaminated with fuel waste and other toxins and, in solid form, can be extremely harmful to dogs and wildlife. When washed up on shorelines, the waxy white substance can lead to boulder-sized chunks emitting a smell of diesel which is attractive to animals.

“If you spot something you believe to be palm oil, please contact the beach safety team on 01472 323356 who will immediately collect and dispose of it properly.

“If owners suspect their pet has eaten the oil, they are advised to contact a vet immediately.”