October 19, 2022 9.20 am This story is over 22 months old

“Substantial” education and training needed in county as energy infrastructure projects loom

More work needed, officers said

Lincolnshire will need a “substantial” programme of education, training and recruitment if the redevelopment of Theddlethorpe Gas Terminal and other energy infrastructure around the county take place, officers have said.

A report before the county council’s Environment and Economy Scrutiny Committee next week will look at “the opportunity for  major investment which could benefit the local area” created by proposals to use the site for a nuclear storage dump as well as other options for carbon capture and storage and/or hydrogen production.

The site is currently being considered by three major companies.

The Government’s Nuclear Waste Services team is looking at using the site for a Geological Disposal Facility to help dispose of around 10% of the UK’s nuclear waste in a more secure location.

Meanwhile, Harbour Energy would like to install CO2 transportation infrastructure in the area linking the power heavy industries of Lincolnshire and Humber to the former Viking gas fields in their V Net Zero project.

Neptune Energy wants to create a carbon capture and storage site for the production of blue hydrogen. Their scheme is known as DelpHYnus.

Nuclear Waste Services recently released data which showed that up to 4,000 jobs could be created by the GDF, while Harbour Energy believes their investment across Greater Lincolnshire and the South Humber would create 6,000 jobs.

In the report before councillors next week, officers said: “It is clear that if a development takes place at the site then there will be substantial job, supply chain, and infrastructure investment opportunities.

“In particular, if job opportunities of the scale that is being stated occur then there will need to be a substantial education, training, and recruitment programme which is focused on technical and engineering skills.”

They added that Theddlethorpe is “not the the only energy sector job creation taking place in and around Lincolnshire” with strong energy manufacturing sectors around Lincoln, the Humber energy cluster, and other major energy investment proposed in neighbouring counties.

“Currently the level of careers, education, and training in this context is probably not of the level to fill those jobs and officers are starting to explore what can be done to address this situation/opportunity,” they said.

They said LCC would need to consider the employment options that the new developments present and examine how it supports pupils and the wider workforce.

However, councillors will be asked to note the report, but not make any decisions at this time.