December 1, 2022 3.30 pm This story is over 20 months old

Showground traveller site to be made permanent, but most councillors refrain from voting

More councillors abstained than voted for the plans

Plans to convert an unauthorised travellers site near the Lincolnshire Showground into a permanent location have been approved – however most councillors abstained from voting.

Five councillors on West Lindsey District Council’s planning committee voted in favour of Charlie Gaskin’s application to site 12 caravans and two amenity buildings on land in Grange De Lings, with no councillors voting against.

However, seven of the 12 committee members abstained from voting on the site which is located close to the Lincolnshire Showground, behind cottages on Hall Lane.

Neighbours and nearby residents have strongly opposed the site, raising concerns about overdevelopment, highways safety and access to a nearby septic tank.

Some have even reported aggressive and threatening behaviour from the owners of the site.

Neighbour Alex Wright reported threats of criminal damage to the septic tank, a significant increase in traffic and noise pollution, and an “excessive amount of unknown people” entering the driveway.

“This is a sad loss of agricultural land creating loss of rural character. The noise pollution and disruption have been significant regular shouting can be heard from the site. This will only get worse if approved,” he said.

“Verbal abuse and threats are likely to increase, so my family no longer feel safe living in this area.”

Peter Metcalfe said the unauthorised development had “taken away enjoyment of our homes because the aplicant’s daily life is lived outdoors and has a huge impact.’

“Don’t reward this behaviour by approving. Don’t fulfil any future need by sacrificing a tiny hamlet now. Greenlighting this disrespectful and illegal approach will set a precedent and be detrimental throughout West Lindsey,” he added.

No-one spoke on behalf of the applicant at the meeting, however, planning officers noted that despite it being an “emotive” application, many of the concerns including the behaviours of the neighbours, and allegations of land ownership or the septic tank being tapped, were civil matters and needed to be raised with police or other relevant authority.

They said drainage and lighting concerns were dealt with via conditions to the application and Lincolnshire County Council’s Highways department had not raised any objections.

Councillors recently carried out a site visit and noted concerns over lighting that had been installed.

Councillor Roger Patterson said he drove past the site at night and it was “lit up like Wembley Stadium”.

However, they found it difficult to justify refusal of the application.

Councillor David Cotton said: “At the end of the day, there seems little we could do and certainly, if we did refuse, and it was refused on tenuous conditions, then they would take us to appeal and they would undoubtedly win.”

When approving the application they called for further controls around the lighting issue.

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