
A Lincolnshire businesswoman shared the “things that clients do that irritate cleaners” in a TikTok video which gained over 17,500 views.

Victoria Gordon, who lives in the village of South Kelsey near Caistor, has run Pocket Rockets Cleaning Rescue for over five years. She has shared the journey of her cleaning company on TikTok (@pocketrocketscleaning) and now has over 7,000 followers.

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By Local Democracy Reporter

A charity in Caistor has been given the green light to build a private solar farm, a move designed to support its work amid the ongoing cost of living crisis.

Although primarily based in Grimsby, The Rock Foundation maintains a facility at Top House Farm, providing support accommodation for 12 vulnerable adults.

The organisation sought permission from West Lindsey District Council to install 99 solar panels on land to the rear of the site that have the capacity to generate over 90% of the site’s daytime electricity consumption, thereby significantly offsetting their energy needs.

The proposed site layout | Image: West Lindsey District Council

The application drew objections from local residents concerned that the modern technology would mar the area’s natural beauty.

Writing to the council, Craig and Jane Henderson, of Riby Road, said: “We realise the need for green energy and in general support it, but installing solar panels on land which is bordering Waterhills, which is an area of natural beauty, is not acceptable.

“In the application, it says that the solar panels will be out of sight, which isn’t true as they will stick out like a sore thumb when you approach the site as you are walking or driving from Caistor up the hill.”

Caistor Town Council shared these concerns and recommended that WLDC reject the application.

Dimensions of the proposed solar technology | Image: West Lindsey District Council

Despite this, newly elected Leader Trevor Young (Liberal Democrat) commended the charity for its “forward-thinking” approach, stating that with appropriate landscaping, the solar installation would blend seamlessly into the environment.

He added: “They provide what is a valuable service to the community and I see no objection to this whatsoever.”

Councillor Ian Fleetwood (Conservative), former Chairman of the Planning Committee later proposed a site visit as he reminded members to focus on the potential impact of the development on the local area, not the identity of the applicant.

The suggestion was ultimately voted down as the remainder of members voted to approve the application, provided the developers supply detailed landscaping plans and sow wildflower seeds to support the local bee population.

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A learning disabilities charity’s bid to generate its own power has sparked opposition from local residents, the MP and the local council.

Grimsby-based Rock Foundation UK has applied to construct 99 solar panels on land at Top House Farm, Grimsby Road, in Caistor.

This is set to receive approval at the planning meeting of the West Lindsey District Council on Wednesday.

A report before councillors said the site provides supported living accommodation for 12 adults with learning disabilities alongside a range of workshops and activities.

The proposed panels, measuring just over half a metre in height, will cover an area of 300 square metres and are expected to generate 33,679kw per year. This capacity would meet over 90% of the organisation’s daytime energy consumption at the site.

Seven letters of representation have so far been received, mostly noting potential harm to Water Hills, the impact on the character of the landscape, the loss of agricultural land and concerns regarding the scale.

A photo of the site.

Gainsborough MP Sir Edward Leigh, on behalf of a local resident, said the “the principle of renewable energy is supported but the place for this should be on rooftops, logistics centres, industrial and commercial buildings”.

Caistor Town Council said: “The panels will spoil an area of natural beauty. Use of roof space or wind turbine should be considered.”

They added that in the past the council had “objected to all development in the area of Water Hills”.

Recommending approval, council officers said the development would not create any unacceptable impacts and can be mitigated by conditions.

“More specifically, the potential harms to visual amenity, heritage conservation, ecology and biodiversity and an inappropriate form of development in the countryside are either non-existent, very limited or can be mitigated via appropriate planning conditions,” they said.

A layout of where the panels would go.

“Notwithstanding the above, the benefits of renewable energy production contained within this report, benefits to an existing business/charity and any biodiversity enhancements through a landscaping condition are considered to clearly outweigh these harms.”

The planning meeting on Wednesday begins at 6.30pm.

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