December 21, 2010 10.30 am This story is over 169 months old

New anaesthetist at city’s hospital

Lights out: A new consultant anaesthetist joined Lincoln County Hospital this month.

A new specialist consultant in general and local anaesthetics has joined Lincoln County Hospital.

Dr Nahla Awad specialises in anaesthetesia for gynaecology, orthopaedic, dental and general surgery, as well as regional anaesthesia like ultrasound guided techniques.

She also has a fellowship in liver transplant, gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary anaesthesia and simulation training, an interactive training method.

Dr Awad said: “My clinical and academic experience allows me to provide excellent clinical services.

“By getting involved in foundation years training I am hoping to take part in improving the training experience of junior doctors throughout the Trust.

“I am impressed with how well the anaesthesia teams operate across the Trust.

“The communication between anaesthetists, intensivists and surgeons maintains optimum patient care throughout the whole of the perioperative period and patient safety and outcome is at the top of everyone’s’ agenda.”

Dr Awad studied and lectured anaesthesia in Egypt before moving to the UK in 2000.

She completed her speciality training at South East Thames School of Anaesthesia in London.

Source: ULHT