February 7, 2011 3.40 pm This story is over 160 months old

Theatre seeks to motivate children

Inspiration: Theatre Royal will be hosting a conference on motivating schoolchildren through theatre.

School teachers from the city have been invited to the Lincoln Theatre Royal to discuss how theatre could help learning in schools.

The conference on February 16 will bring teachers and theatre together to see if it could help motivate children and create educational packages for all ages.

Artistic Director of Lincoln Theatre Royal Ian Dickens said: “In a way nothing else can, theatre brings stories to life.

“On stage, stories and lessons are so vivid, they create truly memorable experiences for children, by using repetition and involving the senses of seeing, listening and feeling.

“In our up and coming season, we are offering high quality theatre experiences for all ages, designed to engage Lincolnshire schools and communities with thought-provoking and entertaining theatre.

“Specifically, we will be offering plays which can be found on the curriculum from Key Stage 1 up to degree level.

“The theatre is a fantastic way to enhance a child’s learning capacity and imagination.

“We are keen to liaise with teachers, to discuss their needs and expectations and we would very much like Lincolnshire schools to take full advantage of the opportunities that the theatre has to offer.”

The evening also includes an overview of the upcoming season, a performance of a new show and a Q&A session to take on teachers’ needs and concerns.

Teachers and guests will also have a buffet on offer and a tour of the theatre.

The conference starts at 4.30pm. To book a place, RSVP by emailing the Theatre Royal or phoning 01522 519 999 by February 14.

Source: Liz Hobbs Group