September 18, 2012 4.10 pm This story is over 141 months old

Lincoln bars hold alternative freshers’ fayre

Freshers fun: Omitted from the official event, city bars and clubs hold their own Alternative Freshers’ Fayre.

Lincoln bars and clubs promoted their offers to the city’s new student intake on Tuesday, despite being omitted from the University of Lincoln’s official Freshers’ Fayre.

The Alternative Freshers’ Fayre, held at The Square Sail on Brayford Pool, saw thousands of students finding out about drinks offers, themed nights and events at local venues including Lola Lo, Trebles for Singles, Riley’s Sports Bar and The Ritz.

The Engine Shed, which runs the University of Lincoln’s official Freshers Fayre, has a policy of not allowing local bars and clubs to promote binge drinking on their premises.

Donna Crawford, manager of The Square Sail, said; “Local bars and clubs can advertise in official university freshers events in other cities. This is the first city I’ve been to where we’re not allowed to, so we’re making the best out of the situation.”

“It’s vital for students getting to know the city to know what offers there are and familiarise themselves. It’s also a good opportunity for local businesses to promote themselves.”

Lincoln Street Pastors and Street Wardens also attended the Alternative Freshers Fayre to advise students about staying safe whilst going out at night.

Joy Liddle, Street Pastors Co-ordinator, said; “These events are good if we can get a message across about safe, sensible drinking. Its good to get the message out that students can come here and drink in bars in safety.”

The official Freshers’ Fayre featured promotions from companies including Lidl supermarket, Lincoln Performing Arts Centre and ASDA Living.

Mike Hoyle, Technical manager of Lincoln Performing Arts Centre, said; “The Freshers Fayre is crucial for students to find out about places like ours, and our events. It’s the only time that freshers are together in one place, and they are a large target market.”

Lincolnshire Police also attended the fayre to advise students about protecting their property and preventing domestic abuse.