September 17, 2012 9.56 am This story is over 147 months old

Lincoln firm presented with Queen’s award

Business award: Rakon has been presented with the Queen’s Award for Enterprise by the Lord Lieutenant for Lincolnshire.

A Lincoln company has been presented with the Queen’s Award for Enterprise by Her Majesty’s representative, Lord Lieutenant for Lincolnshire, Mr Tony Worth.

Rakon, based in Sadler Road in Lincoln, was the venue for the ceremony, after the company was announced as a winner of the award in April.

The company supplies to the world’s largest telecommunications companies, including Ericsson, Nokia, Cisco and Alcatel and has more than doubled its turnover in the last three years.

It employs almost 100 people in Lincoln at its manufacturing facility and around 25 more in Harlow, Essex.

Ajaib Hussain, Rakon Engineering-Manager with the grant, Dr Philip Davies, Rakon Business Unit Manager with the cut crystal award, and Lord-the Lord and Deputy Lieutenants for Lincolnshire

At the ceremony, Deputy Lieutenant of Lincolnshire, Mrs Anne Coltman, read out the Grant of Appointment from Her Majesty which had been signed on her behalf by Prime Minister David Cameron

The Grant referred to Rakon’s outstanding achievement in increasing the company’s international trade significantly over a sustained period.

Dr Philip Davies welcoming the Lord Lieutenant

Dr Philip Davies, Rakon Business Unit Manager, said: “Our success demonstrates a focus on both engineering and manufacturing excellence, and superb customer service”

“The team should also be very proud of our customer list – Ericsson, Nokia, Cisco, Alcatel – these are truly the biggest names in the multibillion dollar, global telecommunications business, employing hundreds of thousands of people worldwide, and Rakon UK is a key supplier to them all.”

Lincolnshire Lord-Lieutenant, Mr Tony Worth, added: “Everybody here should be incredibly proud that you have achieved this Queen’s Award. On average, only about two Lincolnshire companies per year win the award, but you’ve done it, so well done. Congratulations to all of you.”