January 30, 2013 11.38 am This story is over 142 months old

Three new neighbourhoods proposed to stimulate growth in Lincoln

New neighbourhoods? Residents are invited to have their say on three new neighbourhoods proposed for the city, which would bring 7,500 new homes.

Lincoln has three of eight new urban neighbourhoods proposed around the county, which would create 7,500 new affordable and sustainable homes in the city.

The Central Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Planning Committee produced a plan to stimulate and manage growth in the county, Sleaford and Gainsborough included, and is now consulting local residents.

Accelerating growth

The proposed urban extensions in Lincoln are aiming to create 7,500 sustainable and affordable homes to keep up with demand, and support more jobs and higher wages by encouraging new businesses and regenerating the city centre.

The urban neighbourhoods also intend to improve transport links and bring extra investment in open spaces and play areas.

The new homes will be in addition to around 11,300 new homes planned around the city.

Planned urban extensions in Lincoln. Collage: Jo Burgess

The urban extensions, which will cross district borders, are situated off the Western Growth Corridor (between Boultham and Birchwood), North East Quadrant (beyond the Carlton developments off Outer Circle Road and old quarry) and South East Quadrant (out towards Washingborough).

Each new neighbourhood will have housing complete by 2031 and provide land for business opportunities, community facilities and jobs.

Core strategy

The neighbourhoods form part of the Core Strategy for Central Lincolnshire, an area of around 820 square miles covering the districts of Lincoln City, West Lindsey and North Kesteven.

The Core Strategy, which will be completed later this year, will detail planning policies and proposals to help shape Central Lincolnshire area until 2031.

The document and urban expansions are a response to the need to find 42,000 homes and 27,000 jobs by 2030, as a population growth of 86,000 is expected.

Councillor Burt Keimach, Chairman of the Central Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Planning Committee, said: “Most people are agreed that growth is essential to strengthen our communities and secure a more vibrant and prosperous future.

“Only through growth can we provide the homes, jobs and opportunities to both enable our children to continue living close by and to attract new investment and skilled people.

“Growth not only enhances our services, shops and schools but also retains and builds a critical mass to sustain their survival.

“With this in mind, I hope that residents of Central Lincolnshire engage in this exciting opportunity to work with us in shaping our future communities.”

Have your say

Six weeks of public consultation starts on January 30. Residents can give their opinions on the proposals at the Waterside Shopping Centre on February 18.

Additionally, a shop on Sincil Street, formerly a flower shop, will have a window display detailing the plans throughout the consultation period.

It will also hold open days on February 1, 7, 22 and March 1 between 12pm and 2pm, and 9am to 5pm on February 13.

The documents can also be viewed online on Central Lincolnshire’s website.