September 30, 2014 5.21 pm This story is over 124 months old

Lincolnshire Day events in Lincoln

Yellow Belly celebrations: Wednesday, October 1 is the day to celebrate all things loved in Lincolnshire and a number of events will take place in Lincoln bringing the county’s traditions and culture to life.

Wednesday, October 1 is the day to celebrate all things loved in Lincolnshire and a number of events will take place in Lincoln, bringing the county’s traditions and culture to life.

The city streets are already being decorated with Lincolnshire flags and ‘yellow belly’ favourites, so residents and visitors to the area will be able to learn a little of the county’s history and share their favourite stories.

Lincolnshire Day events taking place in Lincoln include:

Lincolnshire Food Market

Select Lincolnshire for Food will host a unique food market in Lincoln City Square, behind Wilkinson’s, offering the best of the food and drink that the county has to offer.

The market will take place between 9am and 4pm and includes a Lincolnshire Ostrich stall, famous Lincolnshire sausages, bread cheeses and visitor information.

Guildhall Tours

The Lincoln Guildhall. Photo: CoLC

The Lincoln Guildhall. Photo: CoLC

The official ‘home’ of the Mayor of Lincoln will be opening its doors every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from October.

The free tours will be launched on Lincolnshire Day with medieval music and people dressed in themed costumes. It will be attended by the city’s civic party.

The launch will run from 10.30am, also giving people the chance to join Brian Taylor on his free ‘Mayors and Buildings’ tour, which consists of a guided walk along downhill Lincoln.

Lincolnshire Co-op Flag Hunt


More than 70 Lincolnshire Day flags will be hidden around every Lincolnshire Co-op food store in the county on October 1, each offering a prize of £10 worth of local food.

Events like ‘Spin the Spud’ and samples will be available at Co-op staores between 3pm and 7pm.

Lucky finders who post a picture of themselves with the flag on Lincolnshire Co-op’s Facebook or Twitter pages will also be entered into a prize draw for the chance to win a £50 voucher.

The design of the flag incorporates bags of Pipers Crisps from Brigg, Lincolnshire Poacher cheese from Alford, and Jenny’s Jams from Lincoln.

Lincolnshire Co-op big feasts

Lincolnshire Co-op will be holding two big feasts on October 1, one in Lincoln and one in Louth, to celebrate Lincolnshire Day.

Residents are invited to take part in the Lincolnshire Day feast celebrations at the Assembly Rooms on Bailgate, featuring local food, drink and music.

The event will showcase the best produce in the county, such as a sausage and mash supper and live music from Devlinblue, Lizzie Goddard, Morris and The Moth Lantern.

Tickets for the feast are £8 per person, or £6 for Lincolnshire Co-op dividend card holders, and £4 for under 16s with an adult.

For more information and to book visit Lincolnshire Co-op’s website or call 01522 544 632.

 Lincoln Cathedral


Visitors will be able to enter and explore Lincoln Cathedral for free during Lincolnshire Day.

Roof tours will be available at 11am and 2pm costing £4 per person (only available to book on the day at the entry desk).

The Old Palace Hotel 2 for 1 Afternoon Tea

The Old Palace Hotel is offering a Lincolnshire Day 2 for 1 offer across its Afternoon Tea menu.

Tea and cake starts at £4.95 and sandwich selections, flavoured gins and cakes are also on offer.

Booking is essential on 01522 504050.

Do you know of another Lincolnshire Day event in Lincoln? Tell us about it in the comments.