September 29, 2014 10.34 am This story is over 117 months old

Lincolnshire scrap dealers prosecuted for not carrying licences

Scrapped: Two scrap collectors were prosecuted for not carrying the correct licences in Lincolnshire.

Two scrap dealers operating in Lincolnshire have received 12-months conditional discharge each after being found operating without a licence.

Michael Grabowski of Lawrence Place, Newark and Chris Guymer of Front Street, Barnby-in-the-willows, Newark, pleaded guilty at Lincoln Magistrates to operating as scrap metal collectors within North Kesteven without obtaining a scrap metal dealers licence from the district council.

Grabowski had been spotted three times carrying scrap metal, whilst Guymer was stopped for carrying scrap metal in his van. He was additionally prosecuted for not being licensed to carry controlled waste, or furnishing waste transfer notes when requested to do so.

Both were therefore sentenced to a 12-months conditional discharge. Grabowski got £85 costs and £15 victim surcharge while Guymer got £125 costs and £15 victim surcharge.

Councillor Richard Wright, Executive Member with responsibility for enforcement said: “We encourage our residents to be vigilant when dealing with scrap metal collectors.

“Make sure you check whether they have a licence to carry waste, and are licensed by the district council to collect scrap metal within North Kesteven.”

Scrap dealers should display their licences clearly on the vehicle, and easily identify themselves to residents.

North Kesteven District Council also notes residents should keep a record too, with the name and address and what was collected, so if a dealer is stopped individual items can be traced back.

The scrap collector should also get the identity of the resident, and keep a log of personal and item details.

To report or verify a scrap collector, or to get licensed in the NKDC area, call 01529 414155 or email [email protected].