October 20, 2014 10.47 am This story is over 123 months old

Lincoln filmmakers launch flagship work with free screening

Time and Place: A free film screening in Lincoln will mark the launch of a local companies flagship project.

A independent film production company from Lincoln is creating a big bang with its new crowd-funded piece – which delves into the world’s creation and possible end.

On a challenging budget, Quandary Productions created Time and Place, a film about one man’s reaction to the theory that the universe will collapse.

As previously reported, producers appealed for support via a crowd funding campaign last year.

Many people made contributions to the film and Time and Place was created with a budget of £2,000.

The film took nine months to write and three months to shoot.

When scientists reveal the universe has stopped expanding, and will soon begin to contract, time collapses for one man. Things lose their meaning, and moral boundaries seem absurd.

The film is a low-budget epic in which one man has to come to terms with the consequences of his actions, knowing that some day all that surrounds him will cease to exist.

To officially launch the film, a free public screening will be held on November 1 at The Collection Museum in Lincoln at 1pm.

On Demand and DVD sales will also be available online too, from November 1.

Online or on demand viewers can choose how much they pay to see the film and 10% will be given to charity.

Quandary Productions Managing Director, Michael Henry, said: “This is arguably the best thing we’ve ever made (and I’m incredibly proud), and we know that all future projects will no doubt be gradual progressions from this point of quality that we have reached.

“All money that comes to us, that we work really hard for year-round, gets put back in to our next projects, and to be perfectly frank, we don’t see why art (or the ‘success’) should be judged on how much money is made after a project.”