November 20, 2014 9.44 am This story is over 122 months old

Hot school meals back on the menu after Lincolnshire company ‘confusion’

Back in business: A Lincolnshire school meals provider is back in business after being served with a closure notice by two local councils.

A Lincolnshire school meals provider is back in business after being served with a closure notice by two local councils.

UK Ideal, formerly Food 4 Thought GB Ltd, was served a Remedial Action Notice jointly by North Kesteven District Council and Boston Borough Council on November 17.

The company opposed the councils’ claims that it was breaking to law by serving meals and continued to provide a limited services to school clients across the county.

In a joint statement released by the councils it was stated that the action was not on the grounds of food hygiene but the company was “not approved to trade as a business” after going into liquidation on November 4.

Approval on November 19 was granted by Boston Borough Council and North Kesteven District Council to the company, under new name Ideal Catering Group, to resume its full service.

Full school meals will be provided from the company’s premises in Boston and Sleaford from November 20.

A joint statement was released in the evening of November 19 on behalf of Cllr Stephen Woodliffe, Boston Borough Council’s portfolio holder Environmental Health, Cllr Richard Wright, North Kesteven District Council’s Executive Board Member with responsibility for Environmental Services, and Ideal Catering Group.

The statement said: “The company has done everything the authorities have asked of it to ensure the ongoing, successful delivery of its school meals service to customers.

“At all times children’s health and wellbeing has been at the forefront.

“As previously stated the quality of the food has never been in question and Ideal Catering Group has ensured that at no point during this period have children gone without food.”

Ideal Catering Group company director Caroline Clark added: “We are grateful for the opportunity to resolve all outstanding matters and resume our full service providing children with their lunches.”

Cllrs Woodliffe and Wright said: “We appreciate the positive action taken by the company to resolve this matter as quickly as possible.”

Environmental Health Officers from both authorities will be proactively contacting all schools affected to reassure them of the current position.