March 30, 2015 8.00 am This story is over 111 months old

Lincoln plays its part in the reburial of King Richard III

Historic Lincoln role: The eyes of the world were on Lincoln musicians and soldiers during the reinterment of King Richard III.

Thousands lined the streets of Leicester to witness the funeral procession and reburial of England’s ‘villainous king’, King Richard III – and a number of Lincoln representatives are recounting the important roles they played in the events.

The King, whose remains were found beneath a Leicester car park in 2012, was given a medieval funeral procession through the streets of the city on February 22.

He was then finally laid to rest, five centuries after was killed at Bosworth Field in 1485, in Leicester Cathedral in March 27.

Lincoln soldiers who took part in the King’s reinterment to act as step-liners, were also entrusted with lowering the coffin into a specially designed tomb at Leicester Cathedral.

The soldiers of 2 (Leicestershire and Lincolnshire) Company, 3rd Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment based at Sobraon Barracks in Lincoln, joined four Leicester based soldiers at the service that was broadcast around the world.

Colour Sergeant Wayne Sheils and Sergeant Matt Hardy also helped the Bearer Party lower the coffin into a specially designed tomb in front of the Cathedral altar.

Colour Sergeant Wayne Sheils and Sergeant Matt Hardy also helped the Bearer Party lower the coffin into a specially designed tomb in front of the Cathedral altar.

Colour Sergeant Wayne Sheils, 47, who has been in the Army Reserves for 19 years said: “It was a major honour to take part in the occasion. Not everyone can say they buried a King. It was a fitting service carried out with honour and dignity and I was very proud to represent the Regiment.”

Fellow Army Reservist Ben Sackree, 21, from North Hykeham said: “It was a poignant moment; once in a lifetime. I can remember going to the site of the Battle of Bosworth as a kid. It was just a very proud moment, particularly as I am interested in history and knew quite a lot about King Richard before we were told we were taking part.”

The soldiers of 2 (Leicestershire and Lincolnshire) Company,  3rd Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment based at Sobraon Barracks, joined four Leicester based soldiers to act as step-liners at the service that was broadcast around the world.

The soldiers of 2 (Leicestershire and Lincolnshire) Company, 3rd Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment based at Sobraon Barracks, joined four Leicester based soldiers to act as step-liners at the service that was broadcast around the world.

City of Lincoln Waites (the official band of the Mayor of Lincoln) led the medieval funeral procession, of The Kynges Guard, across Bosworth Battlefield on March 22 – carrying the flag of Lincoln with them.

The Medieval performed at the head of the procession to 2,200 people, followed by the King’s Guard and the remains of King Richard III.

Al Garrod, Master of the City of Lincoln Waites, said: “On a bright spring day in March, City of Lincoln Waites did our best for our King, and I felt honoured to be involved and so proud that I could burst.

“To us, all the preparation and what we did on that day, was our special way of paying our respects to a King who was a brave soldier, a respected administrator, a benefactor to the church and a good ruler.”

City of Lincoln Waites (the official band of the Mayor of Lincoln) led the medieval funeral procession, of The Kynges Guard, across Bosworth Battlefield on Saturday 22nd March 2015.

City of Lincoln Waites (the official band of the Mayor of Lincoln) led the medieval funeral procession, of The Kynges Guard, across Bosworth Battlefield on Saturday 22nd March 2015.