April 7, 2015 10.57 am This story is over 110 months old

Lincoln fire service activists to protest ahead of cuts decision

Council protest: Campaigners against cuts to the fire service are holding a protest ahead of the county council’s decision on the proposals.

Campaigners fighting against cuts to Lincolnshire’s fire service are holding a protest ahead of Lincolnshire County Council’s decision on the proposals.

The activists will meet outside the county council offices on Newland ahead of a meeting of the Executive, which begins at 10.30am on April 8.

The Executive began a consultation in November 2014 on changes to the Fire and Rescue Service as part of its Integrated Risk Management Plan. 

The findings will be presented and discussed at the meeting, with the Executive recommending that plans to save £665,000 worth of savings be approved by councillors.

Proposals could see a reduction in firefighter staffing levels as well as changes to the crewing system at Lincoln North fire station, and reducing the number of station managers on the operational rota system.

Elaine Smith, spokesperson for Defend Our Fire Services, said: “These proposed cuts to our fire service are not only wrong but they’re dangerous. Up to 1,500 local residents signed the petition against the cuts to our fire and rescue service.

“We say to the Executive that it’s not too late to change course and urge its members to withdraw their proposed cuts and allow firefighters to get on with the vital job of keeping our communities safe.”

Elaine Smith, spokesperson for Defend Our Fire Services and TUSC parliamentary candidate for Lincoln

Elaine Smith, spokesperson for Defend Our Fire Services and TUSC parliamentary candidate for Lincoln

Nick Parker, Secretary of Lincoln & District TUC, added: “It’s been very encouraging to see a coalition develop between firefighters and the community who have come together against these proposed cuts.

“Whatever the outcome of tomorrow’s meeting, the trade union movement has played a key role in this campaign, and will continue to oppose cuts and austerity from whichever party after May’s election.”