May 19, 2015 12.29 pm This story is over 109 months old

Silver medal and royal praise for young Lincoln gardener at Chelsea Flower Show

The Old Forge: Green-fingered gardener Jodie Fedorko is a talent to watch, especially after scooping a prestigious silver medal at the 2015 RHS Chelsea Flower Show.

Green-fingered gardener Jodie Fedorko is a talent to watch, especially after scooping a prestigious silver medal at the 2015 RHS Chelsea Flower Show.

Jodie, aged 22, is one of the youngest designers to have entered the Royal Horticultural Society Show, which comes to a close on May 23.

After graduating from Riseholme College in Lincoln with a qualification in Horticulture, Jodie went on to gain show experience with founding member of the Motor Neurone Disease Association Marrin Anderson.

Jodie was awarded her medal on May 19.

Jodie was awarded her medal on May 19.

Her debut entry this year has been sponsored by the charity, and Jodie says the design is aimed at raising awareness of how quickly the disease can take over a person’s life.

The Old Forge takes a nostalgic look at a scene from a bygone age, left to be taken over by wildflowers.

Jodie's debut design.

Jodie’s debut design.

Jodie drew inspiration from the charity, with the forge itself being donated by a blacksmith who could no longer work after being diagnosed with the limiting disease.

Jodie's designs were inspired by her sponsoring charity.

Jodie’s designs were inspired by her sponsoring charity.

She was awarded with a silver medal on the morning of May 19 after a visit from Princess Anne, Prince Philip and Prince Charles.

She said: “I was thrilled when Prince Charles congratulated me, he said my garden had ‘lovely charm’. That meant just as much to me as the award!

“It’s quite difficult to be considered for the show, I got great experience in 2013 when Martin Anderson came to the college and asked us to help plant potatoes for his entry. I then ended up handing out leaflets for him at the show.

“I have also worked with the Lincoln-based community project Green Synergy.

“This year has been my first entry and I have been working with a lovely team of contractors. My garden was awarded silver in the Artisan section.”