May 20, 2015 8.30 pm This story is over 111 months old

Trailblazing barons launched in Lincoln

Bring on the Barons: The Lincoln Barons’ Charter Trail is coming soon. See the collection from the special sponsors’ launch event.

The stars of a signaure attraction coming soon to Lincoln were officially launched at Waterside Shopping Centre on Wednesday, May 20.

As part of the city’s grand Magna Carta 800th anniversary celebrations, a collection of 25 eye-catching barons will be mapped across a trail from St Marks Shopping Centre to the Museum of Lincolnshire Life.

Two-metre-tall barons, including Squadron Leader Baron, the Mayor of Lincoln Baron and Steampunk Baron, have been sponsored by local businesses and organisations.

Each has been individually painted and given their own identity by a variety of talented artists who have worked closely with sponsors on the designs.

All barons barring one were on display for the first time at the private launch event hosted by the Lincoln Business Improvement Group for sponsors and guests.

The Red Arrows Baron could’t make the event, but for good reason. He was spreading the word about Lincoln as a top destination to visit in London.

Commuters at King’s Cross, one of the busiest train stations in the world, have been finding out more about what Lincoln has to offer and learning about Lincoln Castle’s £22 million restoration.

The completed Barons, which will be sited on plinths carrying details of their sponsors, will be installed at their individual locations along our exciting trail in time for The Great Magna Carta weekend, which takes place on June 13 and 14.

The trail, which is already attracting national attention, will stay in place until September 13, before the sculptures are auctioned to raise funds for the national foodbank charity The Trussell Trust.

The Barons’ Charter Trail is a Wild in Art event, brought to Lincoln by The Trussell Trust and Lincoln BIG.

The original Baron was designed and created by Wild in Art’s Creative Director Chris Wilkinson in the style of a Lewis chess piece.

People have been following the progress of the barons on social media by using #LincolnBarons.