September 9, 2015 11.54 am This story is over 107 months old

Councillors unanimously refuse Bassingham homes plan a second time

Another ‘no’: Developers have had a second planning application for news homes in the village of Bassingham near Lincoln refused by councillors.

Developers have had a second planning application for news homes in the village of Bassingham near Lincoln refused by councillors.

Gladman Developments returned with a new proposal of 98 homes for a site off Thurlby Road after a previous proposal of 120 homes was unanimously rejected over size concerns.

The new plans, which were tabled at a North Kesteven District Council meeting on Tuesday, September 8, were also rejected by all on the committee on the grounds that the changes made to the first application were not substantial enough.

They included 98 one to four-bed homes and public open space.

No further local services or community developments were planned at the site, however developers said access to the village and facilities was within a 2km walking catchment.

Local groups and councillors previously voiced objection to the large development in the village, which was given ‘Limited Growth’ status with 1,425 residents.

Councillor Sue Howe, was previously quoted as seconding a motion for retention of the village’s status: “Bassingham wants to remain village, not a town.”