July 31, 2017 8.28 am This story is over 83 months old

Bear Grylls launches skills challenge with 5,500 Scouts and Guides in Lincoln

TV Adventurer and Chief Scout Bear Grylls touched down in Lincoln this weekend to launch a special summer skills challenge with the help of over 5,500 Scouts and Guides. The skills challenge coincides with the start of the school holidays and was announced at the Poacher International Jamboree at the Lincolnshire Showground. The Jamboree festival…

TV Adventurer and Chief Scout Bear Grylls touched down in Lincoln this weekend to launch a special summer skills challenge with the help of over 5,500 Scouts and Guides.

The skills challenge coincides with the start of the school holidays and was announced at the Poacher International Jamboree at the Lincolnshire Showground.

The Jamboree festival of Scouting and Guiding will see the showground transformed into a mini town roughly the size of Horncastle for the duration of the week.

Bear Grylls made his appearance to take part in adventurous activities with the Scouts and teach them some new skills for the Summer on Sunday, July 30.

He said: “The summer holidays provide an incredible opportunity for people to have adventures and learn new skills.

“Not only will our ideas support parents and young people who may worry about. The skills they learn this summer may well help them save a life or get a job in years to come.

“We are sharing 50 activities that give young people and their parents the opportunity to learn 50 new skills over the long summer holiday.”

The Scout Association will be supporting the skills challenge throughout the summer.

Each day a new activity will be posted on the Summer of Skills website and delivered straight to the inboxes of parents across the UK.

Joanne a parent of a Cub Scout from Lincoln said: “Since Ruby joined Cubs, I’ve seen her grow in confidence, generosity and respect for herself and others.

“As well as learning how to cook, use a compass and pitch tents and he has learned about teamwork, disability awareness, global cultures and his local community.

“She never wastes a minute, making crafts, developing digital projects and planning adventures. I couldn’t be prouder of the way she has embraced Scouting and gained so many skills that will equip her for the rest of her life.”