November 13, 2017 3.53 pm This story is over 79 months old

Paedophile paid to watch children being sexually abused and had newborn babies on his computer

Nearly 12,000 indecent images of children were found on his computer.

A man who downloaded thousands of indecent images of children and went on to pay to watch children being sexually abused has been jailed for five years.

Andrew Gaff had over 11,000 illegal photographs of children on his computers including some which featured newborn babies being horrifically sexually abused.

Philip Plant, prosecuting, said that over a two year period Gaff also passed on indecent images to other paedophiles before he was arrested as a result of a police raid on his home in January this year.

Police took away 10 computers which were analysed. A total of 11,709 indecent images of children were found on the computers including 1,965 of the most serious type.

Mr Plant said: “There were images of both male and female children being abused. They included babies and newborn children.

“There were two occasions when this defendant used a Skype account to facilitate the commission of child sex offences.

“In November 2012 he took part in a conversation over Skype in which reference was made to an 11-year-old girl. He requested to see her naked and made a reference to making payment.

“The defendant clearly requested that sexual activity took place between the person on the end of the call and the 11-year-old girl.

“The defendant then proceeded to watch the sexual activity taking place. He was told that further services were available for further payment but made it clear that he did not have any more credit on that account.”

Mr Plant said that in March 2013 Gaff used Skype to set up a similar arrangement in which he paid a fee via the Western Union money transfer system to Colombia to watch an eight year old girl being abused. Although he paid the money the connection failed and the planned transaction never took place.

Gaff, 39, of Fleet Road, Fleet, admitting two charges of encouraging or facilitating the commission of a child sex offence. He also admitted three charges of making an indecent image of a child, three charges of distributing an indecent image of a child, one charge of possession of a prohibited image of a child and one charge of possession of extreme pornography.

He was placed on the sex offenders’ register for life and given an indefinite sexual harm prevention order.

Judge Simon Hirst, passing sentence, told him: “The images include a large number of newborn babies and a large number of children in distress.

“This type of offending is not victimless. Every still photograph or film has the face of a child who has been sexually abused in the most cruel way imaginable.

“This case is one of the worst of its type that I have seen given the age of the children involved.”

Mark Watson, in mitigation, said “He has never been in trouble before. There are people who speak extremely positively about him.

“His family remain supportive of him. They clearly are struggling to understand what it is that caused the defendant to go down this particular route.

“He has been single for much of his life. His mother and father describe him as being something of a loner.

“It started with discussions on adult dating sites and this progressed to adult forums for discussions of an adult sexual nature.

“That in turn opened the door to chats of a more sinister nature which in turn led to the images and the matters before the court.

“He was clearly lost in this particularly murky underworld.

“He is ashamed at what he has done. He has made a personal re-evaluation. He has made changes to his outlook and to his lifestyle.”