December 13, 2017 9.30 am This story is over 78 months old

Lincoln flats to be demolished to make way for 325 homes under new plans

Plans have been submitted for the demolition of flats for a new 325-home estate on the Ermine in Lincoln. City of Lincoln Council and Halsall Lloyd Partnership have lodged the proposals on land north of Queen Elizabeth Road which would see the demolition of the Garfield View and Woodburn View flats to make way for…

Plans have been submitted for the demolition of flats for a new 325-home estate on the Ermine in Lincoln.

City of Lincoln Council and Halsall Lloyd Partnership have lodged the proposals on land north of Queen Elizabeth Road which would see the demolition of the Garfield View and Woodburn View flats to make way for the new housing.

The new estate would be on land owned by the council and Fort Farming Ltd, bordering the A46 Lincoln Bypass.

The proposed development site

A range of new, inter-connected tree-lined streets would be constructed, with clear pedestrian and cycle paths provided.

One in four of the new homes would be classed as affordable.

How the new development would look

Access to the proposed development would be via Woodburn Close and Garfield Close, and a total of 663 car parking spaces would also be created.

However, there are already some objections made public from local residents.

Michael Stafford said: “The current road system is simply not capable of coping with the increase in traffic that 325 new dwellings would cause at these junctions at peak times.

“For a development of this size to be even remotely feasible, the aforementioned junctions would need to be traffic light controlled, with dedicated turn filter lanes.

“I do not believe that there is sufficient available land on either of these roads, at the required points, to build the new junctions required to take the increase in vehicular traffic.”

Janice Farrar added: “It seems that every small available green space is being built on, on the Ermine estate.

“Whilst there is always the need for housing, surely some consideration should be given to natural surroundings and appearance of the area for those that are living here?”

A concept sketch of the new development

Halsall Lloyd, in their design and access statement, said: “The site is allocated in the local plan for residential development.

“All constraints have either been considered within the design or can be mitigated through design or planning conditions.

“We do not believe that there are any constraints that would prohibit the granting of planning permission on the site.”

City of Lincoln Council’s planning committee will decide on the plans at a later date.