December 1, 2017 11.12 am This story is over 78 months old

Video: Grantham church gets into Christmas spirit with ice rink and inflatable toboggan

A magnificent church with a difference.

A Grantham church has gone the extra mile to bring Christmas cheer to the town by installing an inflatable toboggan ride.

Not content with having just an ice rink, St Wulfram’s Church rector Father Stuart Cradduck has decided to push the boat out even further by bringing in the run which has proved to be a hit by children and adults alike.

The ice rink at St Wulfram’s. Photo: Matthew Lee for Lincolnshire Reporter

The toboggan run. Photo: Matthew Lee for Lincolnshire Reporter

The ice rink which first hit the headlines in 2015 when Father Cradduck took a tumble wearing his cassock, has been brought back again, along with Christmas trees bursting with lights and decorations.

Father Stuart Cradduck. Photo: Matthew Lee for Lincolnshire Reporter

Father Cradduck told Lincolnshire Reporter: “This is all about pushing expectations and bringing a new perception about churches, as well as celebrating what is good about Grantham.

“The ice rink has been a massive success in the last two years and saw 10,000 people through the door and with the toboggan we’re planning on it to be even busier.

Photo: Matthew Lee for Lincolnshire Reporter

Photo: Matthew Lee for Lincolnshire Reporter

“Lots of people ask me why do I want to do this in a beautiful, medieval, sacred space? I think it’s because we want to, as a church, celebrate the sacred space, but we also want to offer common ground so people for whatever reason can come in to this space, experience the beauty of this building and celebrate our common life together.”

Father Cradduck sitting at the bottom of the toboggan run. Photo: Matthew Lee for Lincolnshire Reporter

Father Cradduck added that in upcoming years he wanted to look at the idea of creating a zip line running from the top of the church and over Grantham House.

St Wulfram’s Church in Grantham. Photo: Matthew Lee for Lincolnshire Reporter