May 31, 2018 12.02 pm This story is over 75 months old

69 Caistor homes approved despite location worries

Some local people were concerned about the potential strain on services

Councillors in West Lindsey have given the go-ahead to a development of 69 homes in Caistor.

An outline application for housing on land off Brigg Road near the town was approved by members of West Lindsey District Council’s planning committee.

The proposals for the site were resubmitted by Hodson Architects after they were previously rejected in September 2016 due to concerns over foul water drainage at the site.

The local authority said they were not convinced that a sufficient plan was in place to deal with draining surface water for the proposed development.

The site location in Caistor for the plan.

Since then, Anglian Water have asked for a condition to be put in place to develop a surface water drainage plan for when the application comes back to the committee for full planning approval.

Mark Hodson, director of Hodson Architects, said that the proposal would help bring more housing to the local area.

“The focus has always been on the best way to use housing for this site,” he said.

“The scheme would bring much needed housing and provides a mix of housing types.”

Concerns were raised by councillors and objectors about the location of the site.

Councillor Owen Bierley, vice chair of the planning committee, asked whether it was necessary to develop on the site, considering the other allocated development sites in Caistor.

Sir Edward Leigh, MP for Gainsborough, said that the application would only put ‘more pressure on local services’ in Caistor.

But the authority’s planning officer said that the site is allocated in the council’s local plan for further development.

Meanwhile, Councillor Hugo Marfleet said that he supported the proposals.

“I think it is in a good location,” he said.

“Caistor will also benefit from extra housing but we do not want it to get too big so it does not lose that market town feel.”

Councillors on West Lindsey District Council’s planning committee voted through the proposals.