May 15, 2018 4.50 pm This story is over 80 months old

Found: Elderly woman with dementia missing

Have you seen Lesley?

Update – Humberside Police confirmed on Tuesday, May 15 that Lesley Fenwick has been found.

An elderly woman with dementia is missing from Waltham in North East Lincolnshire and police are growing concerned for her safety.

Lesley Fenwick, 73, from Waltham village in North East Lincolnshire was last seen at around 7.30am on Tuesday, May 15 at her home on Ronald Farmer Court off Archer Road.

Lesley’s family have said her disappearance is out of character and she doesn’t have a mobile phone or access to a car.

She is described as white, around five foot four, of large build and with short white hair.

She was wearing a maroon/burgundy coloured jacket, grey trousers and cream pumps.

Anyone with any information should contact Humberside Police on 101 quoting log number 315 of May 15.

Missing woman Lesley Fenwick. Photo: Humberside Police