August 6, 2018 4.29 pm This story is over 77 months old

Boston burglar jailed for three years

He was confronted by his victim

A 44-year-old man who was caught leaving the scene of his latest burglary has been jailed for three years after a hearing at Lincoln Crown Court on Monday.

William Wallace broke into the three-bedroomed property in Norfolk Street, Boston, in broad daylight and stole property including two laptops, a camera, an air rifle and a telescope.

As he walked out of the door the owner arrived home pulling up outside the house in his car.

William Wallace. Photo: Lincolnshire Police

Philip Plant, prosecuting, said: “The householder was shocked and quickly realised he was in the process of being burgled.

“The defendant was carrying a cardboard box containing items he had stolen.

“The householder attempted to stop him but the defendant made off.”

Wallace was identified from CCTV footage as the person involved and was subsequently arrested.

Mr Plant said earlier the same morning Wallace forced his way into a ground floor flat on Sleaford Road in Boston.

He stole £1,000 cash together with a mobile phone, jewellery and clothing. The occupiers returned home later to discover the flat had been searched by the intruder who left doors and cupboards open.

The court was told that Wallace had 33 previous convictions for a total of 69 offences.

Wallace, 44, of no fixed address, admitted two charges of burglary carried out on July 2 this year and he was jailed for three years.

Gregor Purcell, in mitigation, said Wallace had problems with drink and drugs but hopes to sort himself out while serving his prison sentence.

Mr Purcell said: “He is realistic and accepts his fate. He knows he faces a significant custodial sentence.”