August 15, 2018 2.57 pm This story is over 76 months old

Caravan park expansion could tackle travellers

Caravanas to fix traveller issues

The owners of a planned holiday caravan park could be rewarded with an extra 11 caravans if their bid to help the county highways department tackle travellers is successful.

Applicants Mr and Mrs. Elliott were originally granted permission to change the use of 0.99 hectares of land north of the lay by on Burgh Road, in Skegness, to site 29 static caravans.

However, documents in a new application to East Lindsey District Council for 40 caravans, say: “Since the permission was granted, detailed discussions have taken place with Lincolnshire County Council Highways regarding the unauthorised use of the lay-by by travellers.

“Because of these positive and proactive discussions, the lay-by (including the road and large verge) will be landscaped and incorporated into the design of the new holiday park.”

The current entrance to the Burgh Road lay-by.

As part of the new plans the entrance to the planned holiday park will be moved to within the lay-by itself and landscaping will be carried out.

A security barrier will be installed to control access into the park.

The documents state this is similar to a scheme carried out by the neighbouring Southview Park and will see the entrance remain ‘technically Highways land’.

The entrance to the nearby Southview Holiday Park.

The existing lay-by is currently accessed by a ghost lane when approaching from the East.

The report goes on to state that: “The proposal will increase visitor capacity in the area and as the park will have no on site facilities, the extra capacity will have a strong benefit to the local economy through increased spending in the shops, pubs, restaurants and tourist attractions.”

Conservatives estimates from the applicants believe that the caravan park could generate between £5,520 and £13,800 a week.

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