October 19, 2018 10.43 am This story is over 68 months old

Driver baffled by right hand lane blocker

The van driver suddenly stops across the road

A Lincoln driver was left baffled when another motorist appeared to block him from driving in the right hand lane in the city centre.

The driver, who wished to remain anonymous, captured the moment on his dashcam before sending the footage to The Lincolnite.

He was driving along the right hand lane of Canwick Road when he came across the driver of a black van which had suddenly stopped in his path.

Perhaps the van had stalled.

After waiting for around ten seconds, the second driver decided to squeeze passed the van driver to overtake.

If a deliberate move, the van driver wouldn’t be the first to deny the highway code’s ‘merge in turn’ rule.

It comes after a lot of heated discussion in the past few days over the refusal of some drivers in the city to use the right hand lane.

Diagram: Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership

One driver, Tom Alfredson, commented on a previous story to say that he wouldn’t give way to drivers of expensive cars who use the right hand lane.

He asked: “When other drivers hurtle past a queue of patient drivers and expect everyone else to give way just be cause their fancy car costs more, why give way to them?”

Merging, using all available lanes, reduces the length of congestion by up to half.

One councillor previously decried drivers’ failure to use both lanes.

Have you caught any footage of lane cutters, hoggers and blockers? Get in touch by emailing [email protected].