October 23, 2018 4.43 pm This story is over 68 months old

Woman jailed for biting and spitting at police

She was also abusive to hospital staff

A foul-mouthed Gainsborough woman who bit and spat at police when she was arrested has been jailed for a year after a hearing at Lincoln Crown Court.

Rachel Arundale kicked and spat at officers and then, after being taken to hospital for a check-up following her arrest, she spat at a nurse and racially abused a police officer.

Phil Howes, prosecuting, said police were called out to Hickman Court in Gainsborough after receiving reports of a woman trying to force her way into a house.

Mr Howes said: “When they arrived the defendant approached the police car and complained that her jacket was in the garden of her ex-partner’s house.”

The prosecutor told the court that Arundale was told to go home but instead remained in the area and was subsequently arrested for breach of the peace.

Arundale was taken to a police car but tried to get out and kicked PC Lyndsey Harrison in the chest. She then spat at a second officer and went to headbutt him.

Mr Howes said: “The defendant bit PC Harrison’s middle and forefinger. She refused to let go and told the officer she hoped she had bitten the fingers off.”

An officer then used his pava spray on Arundale and other officers arrived to give assistance before Arundale was put into the back of a van.

Mr Howes said: “The defendant was driven back to Lincoln Police Station. During the journey she was continually kicking in the van. At West Parade she continued kicking and spitting everywhere.

“She was abusive to the custodians and kept kicking out. At one point she spat in the face of a police officer.”

Arundale was later taken to Lincoln County Hospital where was verbally abusive to police and to hospital staff.

Mr Howes said: “A health worker was tasked to deal with the defendant. Arundale was being rude and offensive. She refused paracetamol and refused morphine.”

Arundale then swore at a nurse and spat at her and as a result the hospital staff refused to treat her.

Arundale was handcuffed but was then racially abusive towards a police officer telling her “You shouldn’t even be in this country. Fuck off. Go back to Poland or Latvia or wherever else you’ve come from.”

Afterwards Arundale was taken back to the police station where she was later interviewed and made admission as well as apologising.

The court was told that PC Harrison needed hospital treatment for the bites to her fingers and it was several weeks before she was able to resume full policing duties.

Arundale, 30, of Coningsby Close, Gainsborough, admitted assault occasioning actual bodily harm, three charges of assaulting a police officer and a racially aggravated public order offence on April 23. She was jailed for 52 weeks.

Judge Simon Hirst told her: “It has to be immediate custody. Nothing else will do.”

Steven Taylor, in mitigation, said Arundale has been diagnosed as having a personality disorder as well as bipolar disorder, anxiety, depression and post traumatic stress disorder.

“She has a great deal to cope with. In stressful situations she will behave in a more aggressive way than the ordinary person would. She had become alcohol dependent.

“At the time these offences were committed she had got to the point where she was very much at the bottom of he pit and she couldn’t see a way forward. It all spiralled out of control. She is now in a much better place.”

Mr Taylor said that since the offence in April, Arundale has served a prison sentence for other offences and is now looking to turn her life around.