November 5, 2018 12.49 pm This story is over 67 months old

Market Rasen swimming pool petition to go before councillors

Some residents have campaigned for 60 years to see a pool built in the town

Residents calling on West Lindsey District Council to build a swimming pool “not a dry leisure facility” are set to present a more than 2,000 signature petition to the authority.

Plans to build a leisure centre off Gainsborough Road were announced by WLDC in June, however campaigners argue the planned facility is not wanted and will not be used.

The petition before the authority’s Full Council on Monday, says: “We the residents of Market Rasen hereby sign to say we are opposing these plans and want the land to be used to provide a much-needed swimming pool which will benefit people of all ages and disabilities.”

The proposed dry leisure facility is part of a £7.8 million leisure investment across the district, with £6.3 million going into the Market Rasen area.

In September, residents were given a chance to see the plans and have their say, including watching a video tour of the facility.

At that time, organisers said space had been designed in for potential expansion into a swimming pool, if the facility proved viable.

They said the running costs of a swimming pool on its own would not make the facility financially sustainable at this time.

Adrian Campbell of Market Rasen Action Group attended West Lindsey District Council’s plan display in September.

Residents have already organised a campaign to get a swimming pool built in Market Rasen following the announcement including creating the Market Rasen Swimming Pool Facebook page.

The town already has a similar facility with a gym, 3G football pitch and sports hall.

They question the authority’s figures and say they believe the pool would be viable because it’s wanted.

Market Rasen Action Group’s secretary June Clark, who was recently elected to be a town councillor will be presenting the petition.

A layout of the new facility showing the areas where a pool could be included in the future.

Residents have been campaigning for 60 years to get a swimming pool and are currently forced to travel eight miles to Wragby for a dip.

With no direct bus routes, residents complain that the journey isn’t suitable for those without a car.

In July, Conservative MP for Gainsborough, Sir Edward Leigh, waded in on the debate and suggested that an outdoor swimming pool may be the solution.

At Monday’s meeting a second petition of more than 1,170 signatures will also be presented to WLDC calling on councillors to “Save Gainsborough Town Centre”.

The Petition will ask the authority to “urgently improve the Town Centre.”

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