January 31, 2019 5.29 pm This story is over 71 months old

Lincoln emergency services hub 40% over budget

It’s costing an extra £6 million

A new building which brings the police, ambulance and fire services together in Lincoln is now £6 million over budget.

The project on South Park was originally priced at £15 million in 2016, but the estimate has now increased by 40% to £21 million.

Assistant chief constable Shaun West told The Lincolnite: “The overall project budget which includes construction is around £21 million.

“This is an increase on what was originally estimated, but we have also added in extra capabilities and facilities to make the most of the new building.”

The new station will feature a three storey building, with service specific office space, operational accommodation and shared areas.

The chair of the ‘Blue Light Collaboration Programme’ went onto say that the project will save money on running costs and maintenance.

He also added that the plan has attracted £7 million in national government funding and reflects a drive for closer collaboration between emergency services.

Fire and rescue has already moved its headquarters to the police station in Nettleham as part of the joint project.

Take a look around the emergency services hub in a recent Lincolnshire County Council video: