January 7, 2019 12.48 pm This story is over 71 months old

Rat spotted on Lincoln County Hospital corridor

Rodent wandering maternity corridors

A visitor at Lincoln County Hospital spoke of their shock after they saw a rat wandering around the corridors leading to the maternity wing this weekend.

This happened just after 2pm on Sunday, January 6, 2019.

The person contacted The Lincolnite to share the photos of the rodent, but wished to remain anonymous.

Not what they expected to see in a hospital when visiting a friend who just had a baby.

They said: “I was visiting a friend on the maternity ward and as I was walking there I noticed something moving on the corridor.

“The rat was just walking the whole length. Someone else walked past but didn’t seem fazed at all.”

The Lincolnite contacted United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust (ULHT) about the sighting.

ULHT said ongoing works at the hospital probably disturbed the rodent’s natural habitat.

Paul Boocock, Director of Estates and Facilities at ULHT, said: “We are currently carrying out some building works on site, which may have disturbed its natural habitat.

“This is the only reported sighting we are aware of and have already instructed pest control contractors to fully investigate.”

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