May 9, 2019 5.04 pm This story is over 61 months old

Man jailed for house raids

He was jailed for over two years

A burglar who carried out two nighttime raids was jailed for over two years after a hearing at Lincoln Crown Court on Thursday.

Christopher London broke into a house at Nettleton while the family slept unaware of what was happening.

Helen Marley, prosecuting, said a set of car keys was taken and the family’s Mitsubishi Lancer, which was parked outside, was driven off.

The victims only discovered they had been burgled when they woke the following morning to discover the front door open and the car missing.

Miss Marley said the vehicle was found later outside an address in Luke’s Court, Grimsby. When police entered the property they found London inside with the keys to the Mitsubishi.

London was also involved in the burglary of an isolated property in the North Kelsey area.

The occupants of the house were in bed in the early hours when they were disturbed by the sound of voices outside.

Miss Marley said that they went to investigate and discovered their car had gone and items from inside the house were missing.

Police were called and found two people in the passenger seats of a vehicle parked up at Holton-le-Moor. A handbag stolen in the burglary was found inside the vehicle along with a knife and a quantity of ecstasy.

Miss Marley said: “Christopher London’s fingerprints were found on the window sill at the point of entry.”

London, 31, of no fixed address, admitted two charges of burglary as a result of the raids in July 2017. He was jailed for around two years and four months (876 days).

The two passengers inside the car found at Holton-le-Moor each admitted a charge of handling stolen goods. Denni Tams, 27, of no fixed address, was jailed for three months. Jodie Needham, 26, of Fairmont Road, Grimsby, also admitted possession of a bladed article and possession of drugs. She was given a 12 month community order with a rehabilitation activity requirement of up to 20 days.

Dale Harris, for London, said that since the burglary he has been recalled to prison to complete a previous jail sentence and has had time to reflect on his life.

“He wants a better life for himself. He wants a job and he is confident of getting one when he is released.”

Tony Stanford, for Tams, said he is currently serving a prison term for other matters and urged that his time in custody should not be extended further than his current anticipated release date of March 2020.

Lisa Hardy, for Needham, said that at the time of the offence she was of good character and has been working hard to turn her life around.