August 5, 2019 5.11 pm This story is over 64 months old

Turtle spotted sunbathing in Lincoln canal

A rare sight

A local boat tour group made a turtley cool find in the Fossdyke Canal.

Crew from the Brayford Belle snapped a picture when they saw a terrapin turtle sunbathing in amongst the reeds.

Jessica Wyatt spotted the reptile near to the Carholme Golf Club and it stayed there for the rest of the day.

Say cheese! Photo: Jessica Wyatt

She said: “We spotted this turtle in the water so we thought that it might be something you wanted to show as it’s a rare sight.”

Turtles are not native to Lincoln waters and normally need water temperatures of around 22 to 25 degrees celsius.

Last summer, Marilyn Shepley spotted a similar reptile near the locks on Stamp End. Could it be the same one?

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