September 6, 2019 4.36 pm This story is over 57 months old

Young man jailed for sex with 15-year-old on Skegness beach

They had sex four times, once without protection

A young man who had sex with a vulnerable 15-year-old girl on Skegness beach has been jailed for five years.

The young girl first got in touch with Timothy Young, then 23 years old, on Facebook before he later travelled from his Nottinghamshire home to start a sexual relationship.

Mark Watson, prosecuting, told Lincoln Crown Court: “It was through Facebook that contact was made then texting and messaging and speaking on the phone.

“They met about a week later with the defendant travelling to Lincolnshire to see her.

“At their first meeting when they said their goodbyes he kissed her on the lips. She was shocked and in her own words felt ‘weirded out’.”

Mr Watson said the two of them met again a fortnight later when Young suggested they get together.

The girl agreed and they went on to have a sexual relationship.

Mr Watson said “He drove again from Nottinghamshire and they went to the beach. That was where they would have sexual intercourse. She says that happened on four occasions.

“On the first three occasions protection was used. On the fourth occasion, this defendant had asked her whether she wanted to start a family. She agreed and they had sex without protection.”

Mr Watson said that Young knew that the girl was vulnerable. He told the court: “She has told him a little about herself and that she was shy, had problems with anxiety and self-harming. She spoke of having an eating disorder.”

The offences came to light after a relative of the girl saw her with Young and challenged her. The teenager then revealed she had been having sex with him.

Lincolnshire Police was contacted and he confessed to what had been happening.

Young, 24, of Garden Road, Eastwood, Notts, admitted two charges of sexual activity with a child on dates between July 22 and August 14 2018.

In addition to being jailed for five years, he was placed on the sex offenders register for life and given an indefinite sexual harm prevention order.

He was also given a restraining order banning him from contacting the girl.

Judge Simon Hirst, passing sentence, told him: “You knew she was vulnerable.

“She was 15 and you were 23 at the time. There was a significant disparity in age.”

Steven Gosnell, in mitigation, said prison would have a devastating effect on Young.

“He knows what he has done is serious and he is going to pay a heavy price.

“He comes before this court thoroughly ashamed. He is petrified of incarceration.”