October 2, 2019 10.21 am This story is over 63 months old

Amended 120-home Bracebridge Heath plan set for approval

Councillors sent the plans back to developers following concerns over the density and design of the layout.

A 120-home plan for Bracebridge Heath is set to be approved after councillors forced the developer to look again at the proposals.

The proposal by Linden Homes would see the new houses built off Canwick Avenue and Westminster Drive in the village.

The authority gave outline approval to the scheme back in November 2015.

But councillors on North Kesteven District Council’s planning committee deferred the proposal in July because of concerns over density, house designs and integration of affordable housing.

The original planned layout for 120 homes in Bracebridge Heath near Lincoln

Linden Homes has now submitted amended plans, including revising the layout and design of the developments, increasing the provision of public space, increasing the mix of house-types, relocating agricultural access and improving foot and cycle path provision.

The revised scheme will provide an overall mix of 23 two-bedroom properties, 33 three-bedroom properties, 61 four-bedroom properties, and three five-bedroom properties.

Of those, 36 will be classed as “affordable housing”.

A number of residents have raised concerns over the loss of privacy, the impact on highways and the need for the development.

Plans for 120 homes to be built on land off Canwick Avenue have been submitted to North Kesteven District Council

Bracebridge Heath and Canwick Parish Councils also maintain their objections.

Officers recommending approval to NKDC’s planning committee next Tuesday say “significant enhancements” have been made to deal with the concerns raised.

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