October 4, 2019 2.41 pm This story is over 56 months old

Man jailed after savage attack left victim unable to walk or talk

The victim is expected to remain in hospital for another six months

A man who caused devastating injuries in a savage attack was jailed for 10 years after a hearing at Lincoln Crown Court.

Atis Vetrins dragged his victim Saulius Rimkus from his bed then kicked and punched him to the head leaving him with serious brain injuries.

Mr Rimkus is now unable to walk or talk. He is expected to remain in hospital for another six months before being transferred to a nursing home. His future is described as “desperately bleak”.

Richard Thatcher, prosecuting, said the attack arose after Vetrins discovered his partner Vinetta Markus at Mr Rimkus’ flat in Portland Street, Lincoln, and came to the conclusion that they were having an affair.

Vetrins left but went back into the flat and took photographs of both Ms Markus and Mr Rimkus asleep in separate beds which he posted on Facebook.

He then returned again in the early hours of July 28 and let himself in with a key he had.

Mr Thatcher said: “A neighbour was present but left because the defendant was so aggressive.

“The defendant was of a mind to vent his fury. He went to Mr Rimkus who was asleep. He pulled him out of his bed and repeatedly punched and kicked him to the face and head.”

Vetrins left but it was hours before Mr Rimkus was found and the emergency services were called to the flat.

“Mr Rimkus was unconscious with blood coming from his mouth. 14 hours had elapsed since the assault on him.

“He was taken to hospital in Lincoln and then by air to the Queen’s Medical Centre.

“On arrival he was unresponsive. A scan revealed the extent of the damage. The doctor said the injuries were the sort of thing he has seen when someone has been hit by a car.”

Doctors carried out an operation to relieve the pressure on his brain.

He remained in hospital but subsequently contracted pneumonia and an infection.

After the attack Vetrins appeared to be proud of what he had done telling a friend “I knocked out that f***er of hers”.

Mr Thatcher said: “Mr Rimkus remains unresponsive. By mid-September his eyes were open but there remains no movement in his limbs. He is fed by tube and his bladder is drained by catheter.

“The prognosis for any meaningful recovery is desperately bleak. He is expected to remain in hospital for the next four to six months.”

Vetrins, 34, of Newark Road, North Hykeham, admitted inflicting grievous bodily harm with intent as a result of the incident on July 28. He also admitted theft of a t-shirt belonging to Mr Rimkus.

Judge Simon Hirst, passing sentence, told Vetrins: “The future is desperately bleak for Mr Rimkus.

“He was a vulnerable victim. He was fast asleep in his own bed. It was a sustained attack and the injury is extremely serious.”

Edna Leonard, in mitigation, said: “There is a background to this but that is no excuse at all.

“This man had been working hard in this country and had been sending home money to his mother. He had a partner and they moved from Northampton in the hope that they could be a proper couple. Clearly he was angry with him and angry with her.

“It would appear that alcohol played a major part in the relationship and in the assault.”