February 5, 2020 10.35 am This story is over 58 months old

North East Lincolnshire councillors to agree 3.98% tax rise

The increase breaks down as 1.98% general and 2% adult social care

North East Lincolnshire Council leaders have proposed a 3.98% increase in council tax next week.

The authority’s cabinet will agree the rise, consisting of a general 1.98% in council tax and 2% for adult social care as part of its budget, commissioning plans and outcomes framework for 2021-23.

The rise equates to around £74.13, or around 20p a day, based on an average Band D property charge of £1,863.76.

However, the overall council tax bill will depend on precepts set by the Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner who has yet to confirm his rise but has been consulting on a 2.2% rise.

The move will see council tax income rise by £2,779,000 from £61,231,000 to £64,010,000.

Meanwhile, the adult social care precept will rise from £4,927,000 to £6,507,000 – a difference of £1,580,000.

Grimsby Town Hall. Photo: David Wright

A report before cabinet next week says that in 2020/21 “the council will receive a real terms increase in funding for the first time in ten years.”

It includes an extra £147,000 in its revenue support grant, £1,130,000 in its business rates retention and £3,455,000 social care support.

It says the money will be used to support the delivery of core services and invest in others to make them more efficient and cost effective.

Sharon Wroot, director of resources and governance, said in her report to the council next week: “The council’s long term financial strategy remains focused on the achievement of financial sustainability by embracing the area’s economic potential and growing the local tax base.

“This will ensure that the council can become financially resilient and self-sufficient and generate the resources necessary to maintain and reinvest in quality public services.”

Cabinet members will vote to recommend the figures within the report along with a number of investment strategies to Full Council which next meets on Thursday, February 20.

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