February 10, 2020 5.01 pm This story is over 58 months old

Residents up in arms as Metheringham Airfield ‘boy racers’ return

The issue “needs to be sorted”, say residents

Residents in Metheringham were up in arms as “boy racers” returned to a former RAF Airfield four months after the local council lifted a ban on the site.

Locals said loud music and “engines revving” could be heard from the former airfield in the village last Saturday night (February 8).

North Kesteven District Council last year lifted a ban at the site which was designed to prohibit anti-social behaviour.

The order, which expired in October 2019, banned motor vehicle gatherings, speeding or racing, obstruction of the highway as well as racing, stunts and causing undue annoyance from amplified music.

Now, locals have told The Lincolnite that “hundreds” of cars were heard in the village this past weekend and reportedly used the former airfield to “drag race”.

One resident said the issue “needs to be sorted” and police need to “monitor the area and keep the peace”.

North Kesteven District Council introduced a ban at Metheringham Airfield back in 2016.

Lincolnshire Police said several complaints were made to the force about a car meet up in the village.

A spokesperson for the force said: “We are investigating several complaints in relation to a car meet on the weekend in Metheringham.

“We will be working with NKDC and land owners to try and minimise opportunities for future events.

“If anyone has any information that can assist with our investigation they can contact us on 101, incident 397 of February 8.”

Councillor Steve Clegg, executive member with special interest in corporate and community services at North Kesteven District Council, said the authority would work to prevent further incidents from taking place at the airfield.

“We received a report of anti-social behaviour including excessive noise from vehicles at Metheringham Airfield over the weekend,” he said.

“It’s the first report we’ve received following a previous public space protection order at the site against motor vehicle gatherings, speeding or racing, obstructing the highway or causing undue annoyance from amplified music.

“We’re continuing to work together with Lincolnshire Police and the landowner to try to prevent incidents like this from taking place. Metheringham Airfield is a public highway and so road traffic law and anti-social behaviour law both apply at the site.”

The district council introduced a public space protection order at the site back in 2016 after residents complained of reckless driving and gatherings.

North Kesteven District Council leader Richard Wright. Photo: Steve Smailes/The Lincolnite

As many as 100 cars were reported on the airfield at one time. In addition, there were reports of off-road bikes using the area as a practice site.

But, the council voted not to extend the ban beyond October 2019 after it was found that not a single complaint had been made since March 2018.

Council leader, Richard Wright, said at the time that he believed the authority was “doing the right thing” and that the order had served its purpose.

The authority said there was “no evidence” to support extending the ban and that existing powers could be used if any complaints are made about the airfield.

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