March 10, 2020 4.55 pm This story is over 50 months old

Lincoln pupil reported in self-quarantine after trip in coronavirus-hit Italy

School says no confirmed cases of Coronavirus

A Lincoln pupil is reportedly in self-quarantine for the next 14 days after returning from a trip to northern Italy, which is in coronavirus lockdown.

The pupil reportedly self-isolated for two weeks after a family holiday to the country, which has placed itself on lockdown after almost 10,000 people have been infected with COVID-19 and over 460 have died.

Monday morning update: The school responded to The Lincolnite and headteacher Martin Mckeown said “There are no confirmed cases of Coronavirus within the school community. Like schools across the country, we have had families return from holidays in affected areas and follow the government advice on self-isolation and contacting NHS 111.”

He added: “There are two confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Lincolnshire. To our knowledge, neither of these cases are linked to our school. We will continue to follow the advice from the Department for Education (DfE) and share any updates from them and Public Health England (PHE).

“If there are any cases within our community, or linked to it, we will advise you.”

At the same time when a Lincoln village school cut short their ski trip this weekend in Courmayeur, north-west Italy.

Sir William Robertson Academy in Welbourn had sent around 80 people including students and staff for the trip. They have been told to self-isolate for 14 days.

So far in the UK 373 people have tested positive for COVID-19 and six people – all with underlying health conditions – have died.

The first confirmed Lincolnshire case recently returned from Italy. They might have infected others, who are being contacted by health authorities.