April 5, 2020 4.30 pm This story is over 57 months old

Lockdown Week 2 Day 7: 36 Lincolnshire coronavirus deaths, 346 local cases, 47,806 in the UK, 4,934 deaths

Stay home, protect the NHS, save lives

Follow the latest coronavirus lockdown updates from Lincoln and Lincolnshire on our week 3 liveblog here.

346 coronavirus cases in Greater Lincolnshire

  • 252 in Lincolnshire (up from 223)
  • 51 in North Lincolnshire (up from 43)
  • 43 in North East Lincolnshire (up from 36)

36 COVID-19 deaths in Greater Lincolnshire

  • 24 in Lincolnshire (3 new)
  • 12 in Northern Lincolnshire (1 new)

47,806 UK cases, 4,934 deaths