August 6, 2020 12.07 pm This story is over 46 months old

East Lindsey council to build new £8.2m HQ

Dropping Skegness and Manby for new Horncastle site

Councillors have approved an £8.25 million new home for East Lindsey District Council and Boston College saying it will “bring the authority into the 21st century”.

Others, however, called it a “waste of money” and said the offering “failed to cut the mustard”.

The “public sector hub” planned for the former Horncastle Residential College off the town’s Mareham Road appeared before the council’s planning committee on Thursday.

The new headquarters will play a major role in ELDC’s plans for a greater focus on council staff working remotely, while the new council chamber will also be used for college lectures, weddings and community events.

Boston College would have access to four classrooms and ancillary space.

Visuals of the new council and college building. Image: ELDC

Councillor Helen Matthews said: “It’s long overdue for improvement and renovation, and I think it will bring ELDC more into the 21st centre in that offer, a more economically viable building, it will add to the economy. There are more plus points than negatives.”

Councillor Billy Brookes said: “If you take out who’s applying for it, you’d say it’s great to see such large financial investment coupled with college education for young people. It’s a good investment to see coming forward.”

Plans for the site were revealed in March, however, the costs have been under discussion since October.

Council leaders have previously said the project will be cost neutral due to the sale and redevelopment of both Skegness Town Hall and Tedder Hall, in Manby.

East Lindsey District Council’s planning committee on August 6.

Councillor Neil Jones said the move was a “wonderful opportunity” for new homes to be built on Tedder Hall and would make the authority “significant amounts of money”.

However, Councillor Terry Aldridge said: “It’s an absolute waste of money when we’re in such dire straights and with what’s coming.

“You are not thinking about the people that are going to work there, there won’t be sufficient parking.

“This is a very bad decision, and in years to come people will look upon what I’ve said and say yeah, you were right.”

Councillor David Hall said he did not believe the college’s offering would “cut the mustard” towards education.

He added: “I don’t particularly think we should be doing this yet, especially considering how up in the air everything else is at the moment”

Opponents to the site have also raised concerns including increased travel time, the impact on nearby historic cottages, increased traffic, and public transport.

The first courses are hoped to start in September 2021.