August 26, 2020 10.29 am This story is over 46 months old

Lincoln man caught with child abuse images avoids jail

He already had a collection of adult porn

A man was caught with child pornography on his phone when police carried out a raid on his home, Lincoln Crown Court was told.

Officers spoke to Spencer Lunn after carrying out the search of his home in Lincoln in April last year and he admitted that he had downloaded the illegal images.

Noel Philo, prosecuting, said that Lunn admitted his interest was in adult pornography and had a large collection of it.

Within the adult pornography police found 125 child abuse images and six videos.

Mr Philo said: “He admitted he had been downloading them over a period of about four years.

“This was at a time when he appears to have been drinking himself insensible. He refers to drinking a bottle of vodka a day.”

Lunn, 38, of Blackfriars Road, Lincoln, admitted three charges of making indecent photographs of children.

Sunil Khanna, in mitigation, said that Lunn, who has no previous convictions, had been severely affected by events in his life which happened when he was 12 years old.

He said: “He sought solace in alcohol. Things became almost unbearable for him.”

Mr Khanna said that since his arrest Lunn has sought counselling for his issues and has shown genuine remorse for what he did.

Lunn was given a two-year community order with up to 50 rehabilitation activity requirement days.

He was also placed on the sex offenders register for five years and ordered to pay £420 prosecution costs.