August 24, 2020 2.29 pm This story is over 53 months old

Lincoln South Common travellers ignore eviction notice

The council is considering a court order

By Local Democracy Reporter

Travellers on Lincoln South Common area have ignored an eviction notice from the council, and could face court action if they don’t leave.

The travellers were spotted pitching in the South Common area last Tuesday, with the City of Lincoln Council issuing an eviction notice on Thursday.

This notice has been ignored over the weekend, and so the council served a direction to leave, a legal notice requiring the travellers to leave within 48 hours.

If they do not leave South Common within two days of the notice, it will be a criminal offence.

The travellers have until Wednesday to leave the site or else the council has said it will go to court for an order.

A gate at the entrance of South Common was broken when the travellers were first spotted trespassing on the land.

A gate has been broken at the entrance point.

The City of Lincoln Council said in a statement: “We spoke to the people trespassing on South Common on Friday and asked them to vacate.

“As they had not done so by this morning, we served them with a Direction to Leave, which is a legal notice requiring them to leave the South Common within 48 hours.

“Failure to leave (after the expiry of the 48 hours) is a criminal offence. If they fail to leave by Wednesday we will go to court for an order requiring them to leave.”

It is the second time travellers have pitched on an unauthorised area in Lincoln, with the council also reporting an incident on The Lawn earlier in August.