September 16, 2020 4.58 pm This story is over 52 months old

Free Chimella trial in North Kesteven

Council tests innovative product

By Local Democracy Reporter

People living in North Kesteven can enter a free draw to win a Chimella, an innovative chimney umbrella that featured on BBC show Dragon’s Den.

The Chimella is a draft excluder that promises to keep your home warm and seal a chimney at the click of a button.

Inventor Simon Wild appeared on series 17 of Dragon’s Den, asking for £50,000 investment for 15% in his business.

While he didn’t secure investment from any of the dragons, he has gone on to make millions from his product.

A standard Chimella usually retails at £74.99, but North Kesteven District Council are offering residents the chance to get one for free.

The council is working with the Energy Saving Trust to find people to try the device.

Anyone with an accessible chimney and a smart meter is eligible so that savings can be measured.

Those who are successful in the draw will not only get a free Chimella, but also £25 in cash.

NKDC executive member for housing, Cllr Ian Carrington, said: “The typical person we are looking for is someone who currently puts cardboard or a plastic bag up their chimney to stop heat loss.

“We want them to switch to the Chimella, which works just like an umbrella and is easy to install, by inserting the tool into the currently unused chimney and opening it just like an umbrella so it prevents heat loss and doesn’t allow cold air into the house.

“When the householder wants to light an open fire the device is just as easily removed and it can be used over and over again.”

It is estimated that anyone who uses the Chimella will save between £100 and £200 a year on energy bills.

If you live in the North Kesteven area and are interested in taking part in the trial, call 01529 414155 where a member of staff will help with a qualifying questionnaire.